
The fifth Canvas is called “Qâf” and refers to the Sura of the same name. In one of the 28 questions asked of the Prophet (pbuh): “What is Mount Qaf?” , He replied, “God created Mount Qaf around the earth. It is called the stake/ peg of the earth”, as the Holy Quran says, “Mountains as pegs/stakes”. The sky draws its color from the azure tones of this mountain. The table measures 0.90m x 0.90m, it is quite graphic. Covered on all its surface with golden spirals on which come to drip two shades of blue paints. In the centre, the letter Qâf in Arabic is inscribed in calligraphy. On the whole picture, orange flowers enhanced with gold, and three silver leaves on which a spiral symbolizes the vastness of the universe.

 The chosen Aya is in Surah 50, Verse 45

                          BISMILLAH RAHMANI RAHIM 

We are most knowing of what they say, and you are not over them a tyrant. But remind by the Qur’an whoever fears My threat.